A Day in the Life

A day in my life. Thoughts on leadership, management, startups, technology, software, concurrent development, etc... Basically the stuff I think about from 10am to 6pm.


Digipede: Back from SIA

We’re back from SIA. Several of the attendees and a few of the vendors that I talked to said that SIA seemed less attended this year than in previous ones, but I had a good show. It was great to be able to work on explaining grid computing and the Digipede Network to folks. One thing I found myself repeating over and over again was how the Digipede Network is different from other grid computing solutions. Being able to distribute .NET objects is huge and it completely simplifies the process of adding the power of grid computing to an application. The fact that Windows developers can use programming methodologies they are already comfortable with is a huge time saver for our customers. And we have all heard the adage that “Time is money”, and when engineers are able to complete a project faster the company they work for saves money.

Going through this explanation process over and over was good for me because I haven’t had as much opportunity as I would like to get out and talk about what we do. And the few times I had, I found myself searching for words. Having an intensive three day talk fest has really helped me clarify how I present our message.


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